Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Where's My Money?

In this game as in life money gets stuff done! Real or fake you need money, I however am not here to talk to you about using your hard earned cash on a game. I'm here to talk to you about how to make and use your extortion money and buying properties. The fastest way to make money is start low and max out.

The first property you can buy is a Restaurant, each one brings in an extra $250 an hour, buy all 10 and you are making $2,500/hr. It seems like it takes forever making money sometimes but if you spend your money smart and buy up all the low properties to max and do jobs, boss fights, EB's and even some PvP, you will have enough money to buy/build what you need and be able to donate to your empire.

This is so far the easiest and fastest way to buy properties:
Restaurant $250 / maxed $2500
Condo $500 / maxed $5000
Night Club $1000 / maxed $10000
Mansion $2500 / maxed $25000
Casino $7500 / maxed $75000
Island $10000 / maxed $100000

Now there are also properties that give you bonuses, when these are maxed I have been told they add an extra $1000 to your income on top of their bonuses. They are:

Hospital 1% reduced heal cost / maxed 10% RHC                                           (build after Condos)
Real Estate 1% reduced cost of properties / maxed 10% RCOP                       (build after night club)
Construction Company 1% reduced build time / maxed 10% RBT                    (same as above)
Arms Factory 1% reduced cost on equipment / maxed 10% RCOE                  (build during or after Casino)
Personal Armory +1 to your LT's Attack / maxed +10 attack                            (same as above)
Boxing Gym +1 to your LT's Defence / maxed +10 Defence                             (same as above)

With the new bonus packs that the Dev's are coming out with there have been a couple NEW properties that have yet to be assigned:
Rail Yard brings in $100 / hr with 5
Mega Casino brings in $150 / hr with 5
Sports Arena brings in $250 / hr with 5
As I said they have yet to be assigned a region or a purpose and to buy another of each is somewhere in the $33 TRILLION price range so just wait until the Dev's have finished the game upgrades before dumping money into them.

Now the most important building any of you 'forget-me-nots' will need is your Safe House. This building keeps your hourly income safe. It however is not necessary or feasible to get all 10 at once. You will know its time to upgrade it when you go to sleep, get up and find your money coming in is RED. This means your wasting precious money. My rule of thumb is when I wake up I pull it out of the safe house, go make my donation to my Empire and bank the rest. Before I go to sleep I clear out the safe house and bank it. If you are not running into your SH being in the red, you are either ahead of your money which is good or your not making enough yet. Lol

Another small note about getting the most out of your money, just like in real life the bank wants whats in your pocket. They however charge a 10% deposit fee on all your monies. The best way to get around this is buy the LT Charmaine (make her your right hand before going to the bank), her 1 star bonus is -10% Bank Fee, it will soften the blow. Also by being part of an Empire and donating you will notice that the HQ has a bonus build called Extortion. Each level your empire builds brings in extra money for EVERYONE. So please help donate so everyone can benefit. If you are unsure if you can contribute, ask your LT in charge of Donations to help guide you in what is the acceptable amount for your level and where you should be donating.

Lastly the best way to get your money working for you is to go through one regions jobs and 5 star it out before moving on to the next one. This helps in multiple ways:
  1. you are gaining experience and money without having to buy more equipment and Lts
  2. you are leveling up and getting stronger (power building) before moving onto the next Boss
  3. you have more money to buy your properties with sooner and faster

    Now get out there and get some protection money from that store down the street, we have an Empire to build!


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