Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Is Your Specialty?

New and improved Classes for your everyday Made Man/Woman:

The Enforcer:
Weapons of choice are your best Melee, Rifle and Heavy Weapon
Skills: (only active if you have over 200 Hit Points)
Knock out: You have a 3% chance to put an active enemy back to sleep. This means two things, first their token recharge goes back to every 10 mins per token and secondly this allows assassins to get their Opportunist damage bonus against sleepers.
Passive: (active all the time)
Bruiser: A bonus +3% attack against assassins (when leveled up the % increases)
Toughness: +20 defense and +10 health (when leveled up the amount of def and health increases)
Deflect: For about 5% of the attacks you receive you will take no damage and your attacker will take 100% of the damage that was suppose to be dealt to you.(when leveled up the % increases)
Juggernaut: 3% of the time when a battle starts, you can get +2000 health. (when leveled up the amount of health will increase).*SPOILER ~ At level 3 you get 10K added to your health

The Sniper:
Weapons of choice are your best Handgun and top 2 Rifles
Skills: (only active if you have over 200 Hit Points)
Lucky Shot: About 10% of the attacks you make will result in a victory even if it was suppose to be a defeat. (when leveled up the % increases)
Head-shot: About 5% of your attacks will be a Critical hit (when leveled up the % increases)
Passive: (active all the time)
Armor Piercing: A bonus +3% attack against Enforcers (when leveled up the % increases)
Invisible: A bonus 3% to dodge an attack. This means the enemy still spends the token to attack you but you take no damage. (when leveled up the % increases)
Killing Spree: +8% crit/Dmg on critical hits (stacks). This means when you score a critical hit, your next hit becomes 8% more likely to be a critical hit and will do more damage. This bonus continues until you fail to make a critical hit.(when leveled up the % increases).*SPOILER ~ It is possible to make enough critical hits that EVERY token is 100% critical.

The Assassin:
Weapons of choice are your best Handgun and top 2 Melee
Skills: (only active if you have over 200 Hit Points)
Back-stab: +10 damage to a NON defender (when leveled up the amount of damage increases)
Cripple: damages 10% of target health. When this skill is used it will CONSUME 2 Tokens and IF you score a victory you will do damage equal to 10% of their CURRENT health. (when leveled up the % increases)
Passive: (active all the time)
Slayer: A bonus +3% attack vs Heavies. (when leveled up the % increases)
Opportunist: +20% damage to Sleepers. (when leveled up the % increases)
Decapitate: Execute target at 500 health. This means your opponent can be executed with a higher amount of remaining health. (when leveled up the amount of remaining health increases)

The Heavy:
Weapons of choice are your best Handgun and top 2 Heavy weapons
Skills: (only active if you have over 200 Hit Points)
Flame Thrower: 10% Horizontal splash damage. This means that opponents on either side of your target will take 10% of the damage inflicted on your target. (when leveled up the % increases)
Dynamite: 15% 3 x 3 area slpash. When this skill is used it will CONSUME 2 TOKENS. You will hit everyone in the row with your target including the row above and below your target. (when leveled up the % increases)
Passive: (active all the time)
Indiscriminate: A bonus +3% attacks vs Snipers (when leveled up the % increases)
Demolition: +20 damage to buildings (when leveled up the amount of damage increases)
Collateral Damage: +5% chance to splash on building attack. This means each time a building is attacked there is a % chance to also do damage to 1 living player within the building. If you score the last hit on a building it is guaranteed to do splash damage on a player if one is still alive in the building. (when leveled up the % increases)

As we learn more I will add to this in more detail, as for know this will help you in making a choice in what specialty you would like to be in. As you will see, EVERYONE wants to be a sniper class, HOWEVER as you level up each class they all in their own time become amazing at what they do.

***I would also like to give a BIG thanks to all the gamers and developers who's hard work and research has helped in the making of this Blog and its info.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Yes SIR!! Lieutenant SIR!!

*This is something I should have posted earlier and I'm sorry about that.
How important are Lieutenants and How do I use them?
Your inner circle is what's going to make everything better for you in the long run. Over the course of the game you will acquire Lts by being forced to spend your money on them to do jobs, spend Favor Points to gamble on Rare or Common Lt's, Roll The Dice on different levels of the game to collect more or my favorite you can win them as prizes in scratchers or special events.

To start off with there are 5 seats:
  1. The Right Hand (this is the ONLY seat that will level up your Lts)
  2. Enforcer (+10% attack bonus in ALL types of fights)
  3. Captain (2x Defense in ALL types of fights)
  4. Assassin (2x Attack in ALL types of fights)
  5. Under Boss (1.5x Attack / Defense in ALL types of fights)

Here is how you unlock these seats:
You start with the first seat unlocked
The 2nd seat is unlocked in the 3rd District – Midtown
The 3rd seat is unlocked in the 5th District – Downtown
The 4th seat is unlocked when you reach level 100
The 5th seat is unlocked when you have 500 Allies and over level 100
*note: ALL seats are unlocked in this order ONLY

It is VERY important that you level up ALL your Lt's. When they are fully maxed out their Attack and Defense will be higher meaning their bonus damage in fights will be stronger. Also when you combine 2 Lts to make a higher star Lt, the less work you will have to do to level them up.
*Seeing as only the Right Hand can level up your Lts I'd start working on leveling up right away.

How do I use my LT's correctly? That's a good question. If you are very ambitious and you want the best bang for your buck, you will be moving Lts around every time you go from a Boss fight to a Job to PvP. If you are more lazy or don't care you will come up with the best combo that works for your play style. So here is a quick run down on how it works:

PvP Duel and Invade: The most important factor is your PERSONAL stats, so use your Lt's that add to your stats (bonus to attack and Defense)

For Boss Fights: The most important factor is your stats of your 5 seated LT's and what they bring to your stats (very similar to PvP Lts but you are also looking for bonuses to Critical and % damage to Bosses)

For Jobs: the most important factor is your Lt's Bonuses (extra XP, money, energy and most importantly minus to bank fees)

Lastly keep in mind which Lt you want to level up and keep them in the Right Hand spot.

Here is an idea/example on how to pick your Lts using the ones I have:
Hannibal 1 46 / 42 +4 Stamina / -10 def X

Porche 1 45 / 43 +8 Energy / -5 Stam
Kate 1 44 / 38 +5 Def

Alpha 1 46 / 42 +2% Crit X
Fox 1 41 / 41 +5 Attk X
Caine 1 40 / 42 +4 Stam

Tagg 1 39 / 43 +5 Engy
Arya 1 42 / 39 +1% Job
Pain 1 28 / 30 +2% Crit

Blink 1 34 / 22 +1% Crit

Lucas 1 31 / 25 +2% Boss X

Hector 1 29 / 27 +1% Boss X

Michael 1 27 / 29 -2% Wpn

Blade 1 22 / 16 +1% Job
Cesar 1 20 / 18 +1Ally

Charmaine 1 19 / 19 -10% Fee

Penelope 2 24 / 29 +2% Quest
Fang 3 27 / 24 +3 Stam

Mia 3 28 / 28 +4 Def

Ak 3 24 / 27 +4 Attk

John 4 32 / 38 +5 Engy

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Casino Has Arrived!

Casino Royale is the second Special Event put on by Underworld Empires. In this event you fight Bosses and do Jobs to receive cards to make a poker hand. Each hand you make creates a chip (blue, red or green), you need one of each color to create a gold chip which you use for various prizes. Here is the kicker.... EVERYTHING except gold chips can be stolen from you by other players in PvP Battles or Wars!!!! In a Nut Shell:
  1. Collect cards to make a Full House (Blue chip), Four Of A Kind (Red chip) or Royal Flush (Green chip)
  2. Make one of each colored chip to create a Gold chip in the Tech Labs
  3. Make as many Gold chips as you can to collect prizes
  4. Steal cards and chips from other players to make your gold chips

The more Gold Chips you have the better the prize. You can have anything from a free energy recharges to Gold Scratchers to AWESOME LT's and equipment!!

Tips for this event:
  1. Do jobs to get cards
  2. Use this opportunity to raise your PvP level by stealing other peoples hard earned loot
  3. REMEMBER: AS SOON AS YOU CAN MAKE A GOLD COIN, DO IT!! you will be kicking yourself if you wait and someone takes your precious chips from you.
Have Fun and remember its just a game.... a back stabbing cut throat game!! Let Luck be a Lady this week!


Everyone that joins the game can make up any name they want for their Avatar but what makes you unique is your player code. This is who you are if you want friends and in this game you need friends.
If you do not already have 500 allies to unlock your seat, add us we are here to help you get better faster:

Members of the FTS MILITIA 2014:

190DAC, D07380, 79B0BD, 04e02c, 2A09A9, 37D72F, 4D5025, 54262F, 4B5EEA, 2ebab6, 3560A2, B52861, 4B5D72, 008D23, 867E2D, 35bd19, 091D9C, A4B75B, 892e6b, EB1A6D, 6425ec, 527DC2, 9DBF0D, 199CC8, 8F4648, 3A6A88, A54778, 13B5D4, 3cb06c, 64d599, A36bb3, 795E07, 3AF875

Supporters of the FTS MILITIA:

5B004C, 356E7F, 1337D1, 4E30BF, 07A2BD, B5670F, 088800, Ded867, 0545fd, E2BC2B, FF83FC, 7DA517, F86C02, B34D89, EF7714, 62AC60, 48942A, 6CD6D, 88505A, 54E104, 88505A, 900950, 0420ba, 2b31bb, B1CAE7, 350988, B95a93, d10105, 14EE68, EDE4DB, 607519, 23B762, E01A46, 520cc5, C9F50F, 6C8300, 28BD0D, C88630, 016D73, 91C5B6, 0702E4, 0C6D6A, BA1F72, 7E65F3, 6F8DF1, 1CD99B, 4689A0, DB2B7E, 06B9E0, 7FCFD5, 920B43, 572A91, B82805, 9A00CD, 95948D, 89ab11, A600bb, D62AB2, B3D867, 7B72A9, 857084, 001874, B61354, 1A9C31, 31C719, F144A1, 8a73bd, 1AFF64, 989DEE, 02A669, 26169B, 2ofd62, 1c167a, b620f5, Efaa01, C2a53c, AF2652, B65FF2, 76b130, 3C576C, 091F39, 5D47B7, FAA0B1, b8078b, Be0889, 144AA1, 656DCD, 107A3D, C8DBBF, O77A55, F982A0, 683e0c, 026E04, A0c04f, 9A205E, Fc7682, E0748C, 9A205E, FE5934, 5A340D, 35486b, C68Oa3, 3b769d, 7A258E, Ae877f, Ee592e, 04C966, CDA243

FTS Militia Departed:

64938B, 94CA95, 40F359, 724bb8, A252e2, 7AC70A, 2BE537, A83352, dc82b3, F35C58, 4b1245, 5e441f, 8DEFD2, 9D866E, 8A6B47, 7A1662, F619d6, 90b0dc, A27D2A, 23f175, 99956e, 97129E, DED052, 08973b, 1F9F1C, E20B46, 78D000, 80C0FB, 6254d7, FA91FB, c5482f, 8387D2, F17BD5, BAAB0F, CE2D0F, 89e411, EF2089, E53665, 08ED6F

As we get new people, I will add them here in Purple and if you are not part of the Militia but want your code out there anyways just post it in the comments and we will add you! 

(updated March 2014) 

I'm Having Problems With PvP, HELP!

For those of you who are having problems with the BATTLE list that is generated for you by the game, here is a way to get around it. It takes about the same amount of time as you hitting refresh over and over again to find a target you MIGHT win against. Here we go:
  1. Click on Stamina
  2. Click on Battle
A battle list will pop up. Instead of Duel/War THOSE targets:
  1. Click on the target's picture, this takes you to a brief profile
  2. Click 'View Empire'
A list of their Empire Members pops up
  1. Start at the bottom and look for people close to your PVP level
  2. Click on them
  3. Duel/War as normal
Here is a list of how Battle Points are Won/Lost:

X – 7 and

lower 0
X – 6 0 8
X – 5 0 7
X -4 1 7
X -3 3 6
X – 2 6 5
X – 1 8 4
X 10 4
X + 1 12 3
X + 2 13 3
X + 3 15 2
X + 4 16 1
X + 5 17 0
X + 6 18 0
X + 7 19 0
X + 12 20 0

This should speed up your leveling your PvP faster because you will not be wasting stamina on loosing battles.
*Another tip for those that don't spend a butt load of money on games: If their profile has a Lt that you know they can only get with money, that's usually a red flag that they will beat you. You can also go into their detailed Profile and check to see if they have bought special LT's/equipment. If so, find someone else.
**The other way is to attack them once and go through their list to see what they are using. WARNING for some people you do this with and lose, they may farm you because you attacked them. Its kinda lame, but it is a game and most of you must admit that if that happened to you, you'd do the same.

Go get them! See you at the top!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Well your a thug for the Mob, now what? Now we send you out on a hit! This is what we call in game Player vs Player. In PvP you battle or War against other players to increase your rank/farm/vengeance, its all on how you look at it. Lol

In a nut shell your PvP rank helps determine how much damage you dish out and how much damage you take from attacking/attacks. The higher your rank the less likely people will attack you or use you as a farm (people that attack you over and over for no reason). There are limits on who you can attack, if they are to low a level you will not be able to attack them, if they are too high a level.... well that is like taking a knife to a gun fight.

Every time you attack with a victory you should receive some XP, Battle Points, and a max of 10 respect points towards your chosen gang.... if you are getting little to none of these, you are receiving defeats (in this case run away) or the player you are attacking is to low a level to be worth your time. If you are getting defeats, you will notice that you loose battle points, if this is happening more than you are receiving then run away and come back when you have better weapons. Sometimes you will get lucky and hit someone who has yet put their money in the bank and bring home some extra cash.

Enough about that, I know your itching to hit someone with a bat. Here we go....

We here at the Militia come from an array of back grounds, broken/ungrateful/inactive Empires or your a rookie Thug, we have jobs for everyone! There are 2 ways you can level your PvP and 2 styles to do so.
First off is the straight up DUEL:
  1. Click on your stamina (on the top of your page)
  2. Click Battle List
  3. A List of possible targets is shown, now you choose
Choose your target wisely, for the most battle points you will want to attack people at least 1 or 2 levels higher than you. If your just starting out ALWAYS go for people with LESS than 500 Allies because they lack the x1.5 bonus to attack and def.. If you want to low point your way up hit people 1 or 2 levels below you.

Second up is WAR:
Follow all the above steps only click the WAR button. What is War? Well 500 of your closest friends (allies) all your Lts and your stats battle another person and his friends and Lts. The difference is you HAVE to supply the weapons/equipment and vehicles for EVERYONE. So make sure you are ready for this.

So this is the standard Average Joe run of the mill PVP levelling system. THIS is the way the MILITIA does it:

Targets will be posted on here or in the news feed (found on the Empire home page, the part that moves) in game, here is how to go from boring thug to aggressive assassin:

Target Description Will Look Like This:
Empire Name Page # On Leader Board - Rank On Leader Board – Targets Name – Crime Committed
*Their rank will vary through out the day as everyone gets boss points but they should stay on the same page

Here is how to get to them the fastest:
  1. Click the 'Main' Button
  2. Click the 'Empire Home' Button (large square in the top left with count down timer)
*You will see near the Top 4 Tabs – HOME – HQ – BOSSES – LEADERS
  1. Click Leaders
*Below BATTLE is the page # scroll
  1. Click on Page Arrow and scroll down to the page you want
  2. Click that page#
  3. Scroll through Empires until target Empire appears
  4. Click on target Empire
  5. Scroll through members until you come across suitable Target
  6. Follow above steps for DUEL or WAR

Congratulations! You are now an assassin! Remember with great power comes great responsibility!
This means: Don't be a JERK and ruin the game for new players by farming the crap out of them because you are to scared to take on someone your own size. Yes we will have target farms for the people wanting vengeance on Empires that wronged them but old vendettas will only be allowed for a few weeks, then we must forgive and move on.

We like to think we have a good sportsmanship attitude so if you can not take what you dish out, then don't do it because we WILL laugh at you. Your not the only person that has BIG friends and if you tick off the right person you may have to make peace with them or face the consequences of being farmed by a bigger fish. On the flip side we will not tolerate being bullied so if you are being bullied please let myself or a LT know and we will “Fix It”.


Friday, May 31, 2013

What Is An Empire Battle And How Can I Get Some?

To start off with, lets get familiar with your own Empires base.
There are 9 Buildings in your base:
Head Quarters (HQ), Sniper Tower (ST), Armory, Hospital, 2 Safe Houses (SH) and 3 Ware Houses
Each building starts of with 3 slots for Defenders, except the HQ which starts with 6. Each building can also house a number of Offensive players. Each building has special abilities that affects everyone in EBs and normal game play. Here is a rough over view of what each building can do:

Donations Upgrade – by increasing this you raise the amount of money you can donate a day to upgrades. The earlier in the game you get this leveled the faster you can upgrade and build things.
Combat Training – all members get a bonus % to their attacks depending on the level
Fortification – all members get a % bonus to their defenses depending on the level
Leadership – expands the maximum number of members your empire can have
Extortion – extra income per hour for all members
Building Health – increases your HQ's hit points
Defender Slots – increases the amount of defenders you can have in the HQ

Health Pack Recharge Rate – lowers the time it takes to make a health pack
Building Health – increases your Hospital's hit points
Defender Slots – increases the amount of defenders you can have in the Hospital

Sniper Tower:
Attack Bonus – increases the damage done by offensive players in the ST by a % depending on level
Building Health – increases your ST's hit points
Defender Slots – increases the amount of defenders you can have in the ST

Token Recharge Rate – lowers the time it takes for your tokens to regenerate
Building Health – increases your Armory's hit points
Defender Slots – increases the amount of defenders you can have in the Armory

Safe Houses:
Defence Bonus - increase defense in building bonus by % based on level
Building Health – increases your SH's hit points
Defender Slots – increases the amount of defenders you can have in the SH

Ware Houses: So far no upgrades

So that is your base in a nutshell. Now what? Now we prepare for war!!
*This is how we in the Militia do it!
First off proper communication: When talking about a building we use the standard phone key pad:
Top Left – B1, Top Right – B3, Middle L – B4, Middle R – B6, Bottom L – B7, Bottom R – B9
So it will look like this on your screen:
B1 B2 B3
B4 B5 B6
B7 B8 B9

In EB's Classes come into play big time, here is the circle of life for classes:
Enforcers > Assassins > Heavy Weapon > Sniper > Enforcer
Enforcers are great at defending your base do to their high def and hit points.
Assassins can see and attack the enemies in the enemies back row, this is called the Back Door.
Snipers can see into the second row of buildings and pick off people from there.
Heavy Weapons are the rulers of destruction, they are experts at wrecking buildings and splash damage.

In the Militia we have Lt's assigned to people placement and building placement, all you need to do is pick a class you want to be and build it up. We recommend new players after level 15 be Heavies for starting out. For a few reasons found in my earlier posts. Now on to the fun part.

First off ALWAYS make sure you have 10 stamina set aside for the battle. This is your entrance fee.
Once you are in you will see 2 bases, the one on the left is yours and the one on the right is the enemies. On the top of the page you will see each others Empire names and a little icon on how many members they have. That number does not indicate how many of those members will be playing in the battle. On the bottom of the page you will see a red tab and a blue tab. The blue tab is YOUR Empire chat, the red tab is the Battle Chat where both Empires can trash talk each other, share codes, have a good time.
In the Militia we are strong believers in Good Sportsmanship so try and keep it clean, even if they are nasty and offensive.... We are also strong believers in Revenge and Team work so if that ever happens we will be instructing all our members in Black Ops Missions. Lol “We Live For The Swaaaaarm!

The first thing everyone should do is attack ONCE. The reason being is that ALL members begin the battle “asleep”, this means your tokens regenerate every 10 min instead of 5. When making your first attack, pick the softest target so you do not take to much damage. (we are currently working on battle plans so targets in the future may change) Next our Snipers will give us the location they think the HQ is in and the Assassins will let us know if their B9 is a strong target or a WH. Once a battle plan is picked a Lt. will give the order to open fire. During this time snipers will take out designated target defenders, assassins will start cleaning out the “Back Door”. ONCE a building is cleared of defenders, Heavies lay into the buildings to bring them down. Enforcers are the defenders of your base. In the Militia only the KEY defenders are allowed to use health packs to keep our base from falling.

Here are a few Tips to help everyone get on the same page:
  1. If you are finding the enemy is too strong, it is OKAY too sit on your tokens until a building opens up and help destroy the building
  2. Do Not spread out our damage, concentrated damage is the fastest way to take out an enemy, Lts will pick a building and everyone work together to take it out
  3. Focus on Defenders only, unless there is an active offensive player, we can always come back for them once the buildings are destroyed
  4. When attacking and your health is almost down to 200 hp, STOP attacking people and only attack buildings, once your hp is below 200 you no longer count as a defender (if your in a defensive slot) and you give the enemy a point for dieing
  5. When attacking defenders work together to lower ALL Defenders to less than 400 hp WITHOUT executing them, let the heavies know to get ready, give them a few seconds and then execute all defenders at the same time opening up the building to the Heavies

    **You only take damage if you attack another player or your being attack directly, you take no damage from attacking buildings.
    ***When looking for actives there is ONLY ONE way to tell if they are active, they will have points! on every player there are 2 bars, the top bar shows how many battle points they have and the bottom bar shows their health. If the top bar says 0 pts but they are no longer asleep.... that just means someone attacked them and woke them up, they are still inactive until points start showing up.

    It will take practice and good communication but team work will pay off and together we will become Victorious!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How To Be A Big Fish In A Small Pond!

I figure before I hone in on certain topics I should just do a quick insight on 101 for Beginners. If your just starting out you will find that until level 15 you are stuck with being an Enforcer. That’s okay, Enforcers rock once you get them going. It is important to know that if you are joining an Empire like FTS Militia that has a power house foundation of members, you may find yourself in EB's getting A LOT of Defeats and loosing health really fast.
That is do to a few factors:
  1. we win a lot more than we loose so we jump up the tiers really fast
  2. your stats are not high enough to take on high level players
  3. your PvP level is not high enough to make a difference
Its rough at the start but like in all Mafia based things everyone starts at the bottom, how fast you climb the ladder is up to you.

Our recommendation if your just starting out at level 16, switch classes to Heavies and focus only on buildings. This way you stay unhurt and your helping pave the way by wrecking buildings. If your unsure what class you really want to be, hang onto your class coins and try them all out before you waste them on a class you don't think you will play (experience talking).

“But Lord Jugrnot how can I get better NOW!”
Well, here is a rule of thumb that has work for me and a few “grasshoppers” I've trained:
  1. get your energy to 50, then your attack followed by def to 50 also
  2. while doing that use your stamina for Player vs Player only
  3. once those 3 stats are at 50 move your Attack and Defence up to 100
  4. if your finding you don't have enough stamina dump some into there (cost 2 for 1 point)
  5. Continue this circle until you start winning most of your attacks

When it comes to your energy and stamina, an easy rule to use is “If its empty when you go to bed and its almost full when you get up, that’s enough stamina and energy” .... for now. Once you get established, you can boost those however you see fit. There are also 4 Gangs you can pay tribute too, each gang gives you a stat boost by 1 each day (2 days if its Cartel), so use that to your advantage.

Player vs Player.... Do I Have Too?”
No. If you like getting your butt handed to you and your money getting taken from you at the most inappropriate times, than no you don't have too. PvP is what keeps you alive, look at it as being the kid who bullies stay away from because you know Black belt or something like that. The higher your PvP level the less damage you take when attacked/attacking and the more damage you dish out when attacking/being attacked. In EB's the higher your PvP level the harder it is for someone to get a victory on you. So in my book PvP is really important.

The best way of leveling your PvP is focus on the people who have less than 500 allies and are the same level as you or higher. If you “farm” people lower than you by 2 levels or more you do not get Battle Points that are used for leveling and you do not get much of anything out of it. Another way of getting PvP points is by invading someone. This only works in your favor if you have way more allies and gear than they do. Talk to some of your High ranking PvP players in your empire to find out what their tricks are and find one that works best for you.

Do You Want To Be My Friend?
Allies are important to, so making friends is easy as 1-2-3! You will need a min of 500 allies to unlock the last seat at level 100. The Under Boss seat gives you a x1.5 Atk and Def bonus for Boss fights and PvP.
The easiest way to do this go to this site:
Enter as many as you can/want and allies will never be a problem again. Hint: The earlier you do this the easier you'll have it. The annoying thing of having that many friends is EVERYONE wants you to help them, the plus side is you get gifts ALL the time. Another way to get allies is post your code every chance you get, on Empire War Chats, Empire World Chat (10 free posts then 10 favor for 100 posts), peoples walls, line chat, emails..... well you get the idea.

Well there you have it, some hopefully helpful tips for getting started/back on track! Go get some!

*FTS Militia members, it is very important for you to build your PvP rank high and fast to stay competitive with the gangs we go up against. If you are having troubles with lack of weapons or stats etc, please ask your Lts or myself for help. It's what we are here for. Also if you are below Level 50, please change your class to Heavy for the time being. I will be posting on Classes in the near future.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bosses: What's In It For Me

Bosses are one of the best ways to get experience and goodies! There are two classes of Bosses:
  1. “Tech Lab Bosses” where you need to collect pieces of an item that you then build to be able to summon that Boss.
  2. “Job Bosses” where you need to compete this Boss fight in order to move on to the next Region.

In each fight you participate in you will gain experience, money, battle points, class coins, class experience, respect points, empire points and depending on the amount of battle points weapons/armor and Empire drops. Battle Points in Boss fights are like battle points in PvP except that they are used to determine your standing on the Boss Leader board and not your PvP level.

Each Boss has Tier Levels where they drop Epic Items. I will list the Boss, Epics dropped, Tier Levels and best class to use in fighting them to get you the most points. A quick reminder, the class you use in the boss fight has NO effect on your chosen class for EB's. You will however earn a little experience for that class while it is used in the fight. Also if you want to get the most bang for your buck, you will want to set up your Boss fighting Lts and only attack using 1 Stamina an attack. This will net you the most XP, BP and damage over all. Let us begin...

Job Boss - “Ghost Killer” - District 4: Meat-pack

1 Epic Threshold: 1,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 2,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 3,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Tank Ammo    8 attack / 8 defence
Lucky Strike   12 attack / 6 defence
Tank Engine    3 attack / 2 defence
Eagle Eye       18 attack / 15 defence (2nd best in game rifle)
Hegemony      14 attack / 11 defence
Overall recommended class: Sniper
Job Boss - “The Titan” - District 6: Westside
1 Epic Threshold: 3,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 6,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 12,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Sara's Jewelry          (3/5 summoner only)
The Business Man    20 attack / 20 defence (best in game gear)
Tank Chassis            4 attack / 3 defence
Predator                  13 attack / 17 defence
Golden Boy             15 attack / 15 defence
Hegemony               14 attack / 11 defence
Overall recommended class: Sniper
Job Boss - “The Mastermind” - District 7: Italy
1 Epic Threshold: 10,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 18,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 25,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Divine Intervention     12 attack / 15 defence
The Sceptre               14 attack / 20 defence
Tiebreaker                 17 attack / 10 defence
Auto9                        16 attack / 11 defence (rare item)
Joey Pepperoni          14 attack / 15 defence (uncommon drop)
Mastermind's Rook    15 attack / 22 defence (legendary drop +10% def to Mastermind)
Overall recommended class: Assassin
Job Boss - "Doomsday" - District 8: Russia

1 Epic Threshold: 30,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 50,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 80,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Iron Curtain                30 attack / 30 defence
Aladdin                       19 attack / 15 defence
Iron Hammer               31 attack / 15 defence
Auto9                          16 attack / 11 defence
Rasputin's Skull            34 attack / 17 defence (legendary drop current bonus unknown)

Overall recommended class: Assassin
Tech Lab Boss - “Skull Soldier” - summon with Skull Ring
1 Epic Threshold: 6,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 12,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 18,000 pts

Epic Drops:
SS 69 Rims       1 attack / 1 defense
SS 69 Engine     2 attack / 4 defense
Tank Fuel          4 attack / 2 defense
Red Eye            8 attack / 12 defense
Penetrator         6 attack / 9 defense
The Russian      7 attack / 5 defense
Overall recommended class: Sniper
Tech Lab Boss - “Skull Elite” - summon with Skull Watch
1 Epic Threshold: 12,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 16,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 23,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Sara’s Beauty               (4/5 summoner only)
Penetrator                    6 attack / 9 defense
SS 69: Transmission     4 attack / 2 defense
SS 69: Tire                   3 attack / 3 defense
The Underdog              22 attack / 13 defense (best in game melee)
Tie Breaker                  17 attack / 10 defense
Overall recommended class: Heavy
Tech Lab Boss - “Skull King” - summon with Skull Medallion
1 Epic Threshold: 20,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 40,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 60,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Flower’s For Sara     (2/5 summoner only)
SS 69 Body              4 attack / 4 defence
Golden Boy              15 attack / 15 defence
World War III          30 attack / 10 defence (Best in game heavy weapon)
Hurricane                 23 attack / 8 defence
Tank Armour            3 attack / 5 defence
Concrete Block        Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ leadership lvl 3)
Overall recommended class: Heavy
Tech Lab Boss - “The Illuminati” - summon with Stolen Painting
1 Epic Threshold: 15,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 30,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 55,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Sara’s Pumps                    (1/5 creator only)
Apache Rotator                6 attack / 4 defence
Apache Headset               15 attack / 15 defence
Apache Gun                     18 attack / 14 defence
Rainmaker                        20 attack / 16 defence (Best in game Pistol)
Magnum ‘Golden Eye’      15 attack / 12 defence
Tie Breaker                       17 attack / 10 defence
Apache Tail                       4 attack / 5 defense (uncommon drop)
Apache Fuel                      5 attack / 4 defence (uncommon drop)
Enzo's Law                       22 attack / 17 defence (legendary drop +10% def to Enzo)
Steel Beam                       Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ lvl 4)
Concrete Block                Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ leadership lvl 3)  
Overall recommended class: Assassin
Tech Lab Boss - “Red Phoenix Clan” - summon with Stolen Diamond
1 Epic Threshold: 30,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 50,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 85,000 pts

Epic Drops:
Sara's Locket            (5/5 creator only)
Apache: Gun             18 attack / 14 defense
The Avenger              25 attack / 18 defense (best in game rifle)
The Warmonger         17 attack / 16 defense
Omakase                   19 attack / 14 defense
Sin's Phoenix             22 attack / 17 defence (legendary drop +10% atk to Sin)
Steel Beam                Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ lvl 4)
Concrete Block         Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ leadership lvl 3) 

Overall recommended class: Enforcer
Tech Lab Boss - “The Medellin Resurrection” - summon with Ancient Statue
1 Epic Threshold: 30,000 pts
2 Epic Threshold: 50,000 pts
3 Epic Threshold: 85,000 pts

Epic Drops:
General Lee                     25 attack / 20 Defence
Magnum ‘Golden Eye’     15 attack / 12 defence
Aladdin                            19 attack / 15 defense
Leviathan Torpedo           22 attack / 15 defense
Leviathan Plating              15 attack / 22 defense
Leviathan Gun                  18 attack / 17 defense
Leviathan Engine              10 attack / 7 defence (uncommon drop)
Leviathan Navigation        8 attack / 9 defence (uncommon drop)
Diablo's Deamon              22 attack / 17 defence (legendary drop +10% atk to Diablo)
Steel Beam                       Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ lvl 4)
Concrete Block                Empire Drop (used to upgrade HQ leadership lvl 3) 

Overall recommended class: Sniper